domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009

Let's Party!

Glammed up - Produzida(o) Ex: She was glammed up for the party.
Bomb (US) - Fracasso Ex: The party was a real bomb.
Crash - Penetra Ex: They tried to crash the party, but couldn't get in.
On the razzle (UK) - Farra Ex: We went on the razzle last night.
Bash - Festança
Party animal - Adorador de festas.
Wet blanket - Desmancha-prazeres.
Booze - Bebida
All-nighter - Varar a noite Ex: The party was an all nighter.
Nibbles (UK) - Salgadinhos.
Plonk (UK, AUS) - Garrafa de vinho.
Goodies - Guloseimas.

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